Tuesday, January 15, 2008

unthankful drivers

i cannot stand it when i do something nice for someone (i.e. leaving space for them to pull out of a parking lot at a red light) and they don't give me thanks. there are two ways you can give thanks in a situation like this. the first way is the nod. the not is the most efficient way to thank someone on the road, then of course theres the traditional wave. i like to incorporate both techniques in my thank yous. nod while waving. this will in turn encourage the person to do the good deed again next time. i will give people the wave nod even when they haven't does anything spectacular, to brighten their day and make the world a better place. when someone doesn't give me a nod i will think about it for fifteen minutes. how could someone be so unappreciative? if you don't nod to me you may as well flip me off because it makes me want to hunt you down and slash your tires and smash your hood with a sledge hammer. (sledge hammers by the way never seem to be around, especially when you need one, rare as those situations may be) next time guys, don't forget to say thank you. thank you.

p.s. i also hate the people that have their blinker on, so you give them space to get in front of you, but they don't go. of course once you grow tired of waiting you speed up to pass them but that always seems like the time they decide to get into the other lane and break check you.

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