Monday, July 28, 2008

good movie theater seats

sure you get totally stoked because you went to the theater early and got really great seats. but here's the trade off. the people with the shittiest seats get to leave first. think about it. if you're in a sold out theater, it may make the difference between life or death. what if there's a fire? or a tornado? or a volcano? or the movie is Hancock? there's going to be panic. it's going to be hard to get out. in other words, you are risking your life by getting good seats in a theater. you should just stay home and never leave your house. that would be safest.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

personalized licence plates

okay, if you want to personalize your life, that's fine with me. but this is becoming a hazard for my driving. how am i supposed to navigate through traffic at 90 miles per hour while trying to solve the license plate code put out to the world by the asshole in front of me. it took me 10 minutes to find out that you are Russle's mom (RSLSMOM)or is it Ursulas mom? or is it RL Steins mom? okay i think i get it now i get it now. i almost died solving your riddle but i get it now. wrestlers mom. who the hell are you, who are YOU to try to get ME to decipher your code "2L8 I1" oh i get it..."too late, i won" oh you drive FAST huh? cool. show me that in code. i'll get the point and hopefully wont end up killing your grandmother. you fucking jackass.

i must say i find some comfort in solving those, but the anger and rage from an unsolvable one. what you think you're smarter than me? you think i'm stupid because i couldn't crack the code? you sir are an elitist!

(by the way Pey + 2k lbs (2000 pounds) means Peyton...Peyton Manning, how many people have to die because of stuff like this? HOW MANY?)

i should note though. that non-coded personalized license plates are legit. jesse carmody or what. his is boss. all day.